Ongoing Opportunities

Ongoing Opportunities Available to Residents in Marlboro County, SC

DISCLAIMER: We do our best to keep the activities on this page current. These programs are not run by Marlboro County Coordinating Council, therefore, please use the contact information on each individual flyer to learn more about the programs or opportunities.

Level Up Program for McLeod Health

Level Up Program

Are you looking to Level UP your career? Training Opportunities are available for occupations in the McLeod Health rural service areas.

If you are interested, email your name and contact information to

South Carolina Homeowner Rescue Program

The SC Homeowner Rescue Program (SC HRP) is a federally funded program established to provide financial assistance to eligible homeowners experiencing pandemic-related financial hardship beginning after January 21, 2020. The program begins March 21, 2022, and ends September 30, 2026.

For assistance with your application, call 803-702-5222 or 1-833-405-3080.

South Carolina Homeowner Rescue Program

El Programa de Rescate de Propietarios de Viviendas de SC (SC HRP) es un programa financiado por el gobierno federal establecido para proporcionar asistencia financiera a los propietarios de viviendas elegibles que experimenten dificultades financieras relacionadas con la pandemia a partir del 21 de enero de 2020. El programa comenzó el 21 de marzo de 2022 y termina el 30 de septiembre de 2026. 

 Para obtener ayuda con su solicitud, llame al 803-702-5222 o al 1-833-405-3080. 

Foodshare Schedule for Marlboro County, SC

FoodShare Calendar for Marlboro County 2024

last updated July 2, 2024